Chad's first impressions and initial confusions

Yeah that is a bug. I’ve been noticing the same thing. I really think it needs to tell me when what my settings are showing don’t reflect the cached simulation too.

I removed that property at the last second replaced it with the None solver. Forgot to try the macroscript :frowning:


In order to generate particles in a time dependent manner, we want you to make a PRT Ember object and sample the Sim Ember via an InputField node. This could be made as simple as one click to have it done. I like keeping the history dependence isolated into the Sim Ember.

We have plans for a history dependent particle object that fits into this ecosystem as well. For the alpha release we felt that PFlow + Ember Follow would suffice.

The history-independent field idea (w/o the particles) seems to come up enough that I might allow PRT Ember objects to be pickable wherever a field is needed. I originally wanted it to be the bridge from Field to PRT but its probably too redundant to have a separate Ember object for procedural fields that aren’t converted to particles.

The Ember category nodes will be specific to Ember (except the InputField node which will be moved out and become the glue between Ember and other packages).

Totally a bug. The Position channel is implicit and should never be written to. Even in a PRT Ember the position of the particles is implied by the seeding algorithm that happens separate from the Ember field expression.

That’s a bug.

That has been requested by Bobo already. The edit box is editable (sigh) so you can actually clear it manually to stop the vector display.

Sounds like a bug!

That’s not a terrible idea. My initial strategy for this was to have the user make a Grid node with an alternate spacing inside the expression right before the Output node. That would end with the same effect.

I’ll post it to our dev board and see if anything can be done about it.

Thanks for the feedback!