*Here is the second release candidate build of Genome MX for 3ds Max 2010, 2011 and 2012, 32 and 64 bit.
Please download the appropriate installer and follow the instructions at
The documentation is posted here:
[size=85]Genome_092_47031_x64.zip (removed)
Genome MX 64-bit installer
(7.1 MiB) Downloaded 17 times
Genome_092_47031_Win32.zip (removed)
Genome MX 32-bit installer
(6.57 MiB) Downloaded 2 times[/size]
[size=150]Change List:[/size]
- Added a new FaceTangent input channel.
- Added two Color Swatches to the bottom left corner of the Editor - the left one shows green when the Editor represents the CURRENT modifier selected on the stack, yellow when not. The right one shows green when there are no errors, red when there are. The error report field also shows info about these states.
- Cutting a modifier from the stack while the Editor was open was causing issues since the Editor would become “orphaned” - the pasted modifier would NOT be the same instance the Editor was opened from. In such cases, or if the Modifier was deleted, the Editor will now close automatically.
- Creating a BLOP would reset the Notes of the current flow. This has been fixed. Also, merging a flow into an existing flow will no longer overwrite the notes.
- Loading Presets from inside the editor was not setting the Iteration mode correctly.
- Some example Presets were updated to use the latest operators and BLOPs.
- Bumped up the version number.